The Process

Let’s get started!

Initial Consultation



Next Steps

Step One

Schedule Consultation

Often times, a phone call or virtual meeting may be suggested to get started, with the in-home meeting being scheduled at the end of the phone call. At the in-person meeting we will determine the feasibility of your project.

Depending on project size, a budget range will be given at this time -OR- measurements, pictures and other information will be collected and brought back to the office in order to work on formulating the budget range.

Step Two

Sign Agreement

Once we have a defined scope of work and the Design Proposal has been approved, we will follow up with an Agreement that will outline, in detail, our plans for your space and how we will transform it into your ideal home. A signed copy of the Agreement along with payment for the retainer amount, initiates the start of the project.

Step Three

Design Programming

Once we’ve received your signed Agreement and retainer, we will schedule a measure for any rooms requiring floor plans and elevations. We will also discuss any additional programming needs at this time.

First and foremost, we want to design spaces that work for your family and are customized to suit your needs.